Reading Email

There are several ways for to view email messages using Mailsac

Read an Email Message


View Emails from the main page of the Mailsac Website

Inbox View

Enter the email address of the Inbox to be viewed in this box on the main page of the Mailsac Website


An Inbox can be viewed by entering the URL for the Inbox in a browser address bar. The URL to view an Inbox always follows the format

Any non-private email address can be viewed without creating an account. To view the images and links of a message a Mailsac account must be used. A free account can be created from the sign-up page

Unified Inbox

The Unified Inbox provides a way to view the mail of all enhanced addresses for the logged in Mailsac account.


The Unified Inbox is useful for managing multiple email addresses.


The REST API is the preferred method for reading messages programmattically. The /api/addresses/:email/messages and /api/text/:email/:messageId endpoints documented in the REST API documentation.

  1. Generate an API by selecting API Keys from the Dashboard.

  2. Send email using curl or your favorite HTTP library. Code Examples

Reading with POP3

Reading via POP3 allows email clients to read email.


POP3 uses a username and password for authentication. The API key or SMTP Key for your account can be used to read from any of your enhanced addresses. Alternatively, you can use a per enhanced address SMTP password. The per enhanced address SMTP password can be set through using the Dashboard -> Manage Email Addresses -> Select the POP/SMTP button next to the email address -> Select Set New Password


Email Client Configuration

Configure your email client (Gmail, Apple mail, Thunberbird, Outlook, iPhone, etc) using these POP3 settings:

Hostname / Server

Email Address

Private email address


Private email address


API Key or SMTP Key



Auth Settings

Password / allow plain / insecure

Viewing Email Attachments

For enhanced addresses, the Unified Inbox allows downloading of attachments. Email fetched from enhanced addresses using POP3 from an email client such as Apple Mail or GMail, will include attachments.

Public email addresses disallow downloading attachments - you must download the entire message file, or fetch attachments programmatically using the API.

Attachments cannot be hosted publicly for download because attachments often contain viruses and spam.